
Welcome Aboard Boris! Emerald Keepers Partners with CYC to Skim the Bay

A small group gathered at Coronado Yacht Club (CYC) to welcome Boris, a newly installed marine skimmer, to the premises last Thursday morning. Installation of Boris is the latest step in Coronado’s Emerald Keepers’ strategy to keep Coronado and its …

A small group gathered at Coronado Yacht Club (CYC) to welcome Boris, a newly installed marine skimmer, to the premises last Thursday morning. Installation of Boris is the latest step in Coronado’s Emerald Keepers’ strategy to keep Coronado and its waters clean and promote sustainability.

Funded entirely by donations and made possible by CYC’s willingness to operate and maintain Boris, the project demonstrates how partnerships between individuals and organizations can contribute significantly to creating a more sustainable environment for an Emerald Green Ocean Blue Coronado.

The floating marine skimmer --smaller than a small trash dumpster-- is attached to a CYC floating dock at the northern end of Glorietta Bay. Andrew Bleier, Senior Vice President of KECO (a local San Diego company and manufacturer of the marine skimmer), briefly described the system’s capabilities. Running 24/7/365, Boris pumps 350-400 gallons of water through its system to remove and collect floating debris and oil sheen from the water’s surface. It clarifies the water through aeration. Operation and maintenance of the system is very simple and requires minimal human interaction. 

At the small, socially-distanced event, the skimmer was christened “Boris” after a dog that loved swimming in the bay.  “Boris’ owner picked up trash and marine debris every day while Boris frolicked in the bay,” Emerald Keepers President, Amy Steward, explained.  “A few days before Boris died, he wanted to go in the water, but because the dog was so feeble, his owner restrained him. After his passing, Boris’ dad felt he had deprived Boris of his greatest joy. An anonymous major donor, Boris’ dad is very excited to have his beloved dog ‘swimming’ again and collecting marine debris. Both Boris and his dad are true Emerald Keepers, and for this reason, this marine skimmer is christened -- and will forever be known simply as -- Boris.”

Other large donors who made this $9200 skimmer possible include: The Rotary Club of Coronado, Flagship Properties and Carol Sommer. Husband – wife teams Lydia Grypma / Bob Oakley, Lisa Thompson / Tom Herman, and Team Steward also contributed.

Observing the dedication, San Diego Unified Port District Commissioner Garry Bonelli said, “It’s wonderful to see neighbors volunteering together under the leadership of Emerald Keepers to keep our bay clean. Fighting bay pollution is a top priority for the Port of San Diego.”

Coronado City Council Member Mike Donovan said, "The installation of the Marine Skimmer at the Coronado Yacht Club is just one more great example of the outstanding efforts of the Emerald Keepers team and one more step toward keeping our bays and oceans free of plastics and other litter that damages waterways and harms aquatic animals." 

During the brief ceremony Amy Steward acknowledged the on-going efforts by CYC General Manager Lou Miloiti and CYC Green Team Chair Rose Ann Krock, to make CYC more sustainable.  After thanking Fabian Arreola for his help with installation of the skimmer as well as CYC member, Fred West (who provided the crane to install the skimmer), Steward stated, “Marine Skimmers are best situated in marinas where there is staff to handle the minimal maintenance and care of the skimmer. This location is perfect. Within the first few hours of operation, Boris had already cleaned the scum and improved the water clarity. Emerald Keepers would love to put another marine skimmer at the City marina and a couple at the Cays.”

"Communities are only as special as the people who live in them,” said Coronado Rotary Club President Robin MacCartee. “We are lucky to have such an incredible group like Emerald Keepers, and the Coronado Rotary Club is proud to support them.”  

“Let’s all help Boris as well by continuing to use less plastic and recycle, said CYC Green Team Chairperson Rose Ann Krock. “Pick up trash when you come across it, especially in and around the water.”

In gifting Boris to CYC, Steward emphasized, “Emerald Keepers is a non-profit organization comprised of a group of dedicated volunteers leading a growing community-based effort to care for our coastal community and ensure Coronado’s sustainability for generations to come. Emerald Keepers welcomes everyone to join their organization.” 

Dr. Stephen Palumbi, Director of Stanford University’s Hopkins Marine Station to Speak Thursday


Emerald Keepers is pleased to present an evening with author and Director of Stanford University”s Hopkins Marine Station on Thursday evening (July 16) at 7:00pm. Dr. Palumbi will discuss his book, The Death and Life of Monterey Bay – A Story of Revival. You do not have to have read the book to join the webinar. Co-authored with Carolyn Sotka, the book has something for everyone: history, ecology, activism, hope, and change. Palumbi and Sotka tell the story of the recovery of Monterey Bay. Parallels can be drawn between the individuals and small groups who worked to save Monterey Bay and our Emerald Keepers who work to make our community more sustainable and care for our marine environments. His book is available at the Coronado Public Library and for pur­chase at Bay Books. 

Dr. Palumbi has been featured on Today, TED Talks, BBC series The Future is Wild and the History Channel's World Without People. Other recent films appearances include The End of the Line, and the Canadian Broadcasting series One Ocean. Major work continues on the microdocumentary project, the Short Attention Span Science Theater. Steve's band, Sustainable Soul, has several songs out, including Crab Love and The Last Fish Left

Topic: Dr. Stephen Palumbi Webinar for Emerald Keepers
Time: Jul 16, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada) Via Zoom

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Nearly 500 View Emerald Keepers' Screening of The Story of Plastic


This enlightening film was viewed by almost 500 people! Watch our panel discussion following the film on our website under SCREENINGS.

THE STORY OF PLASTIC takes a sweeping look at the man-made crisis of plastic pollution and the worldwide effect it has on the health of our planet and the people who inhabit it. Spanning three continents, the film illustrates the ongoing catastrophe: fields full of garbage, veritable mountains of trash, rivers and seas clogged with waste, and skies choked with the poisonous emissions from plastic production and processing. With engaging original animation, archival industry footage beginning in the 1930s, and first-person accounts of the unfolding emergency, the film distills a complex problem that is increasingly affecting the planet’s and its residents’ well-being.

Environmental Stewardship Naval Base Coronado

Captain Timothy Slentz spoke at the Winn Room this past Tuesday. Thank you for being an Emerald Keeper!

Captain Timothy Slentz spoke at the Winn Room this past Tuesday. Thank you for being an Emerald Keeper!

Captain Slentz, Commanding Officer of Naval Base Coronado, spoke at the Coronado Public Library on behalf of Emerald Keepers last Tuesday.. The big take-away from Captain Timothy Slentz’s presentation include: 1) Naval Base Coronado addresses sustainability every day on all eight of its bases under its command – from Imperial Beach to San Clemente to the desert. 2) The Navy cares for indigenous species unique to their locations – many of which are endangered and works with archeologists when adding new construction to care for culturally sensitive sites. 3) The Navy continues to improve energy through installation of solar and elimination of the outdated old steam heating system and addition of electric and hybrid vehicles. The extent to which the Navy has made changes to cut emissions of fossil fuel and reduce their carbon footprint are to be commended. 

Naval Base Coronado partners with many Federal, state, local, and academic organizations to address environmental compliance, stewardship, and natural resources management in order to ensure continued access of its sea, air, and land spaces for training and mission accomplishment.  NBC’s natural resources management program was recognized as the best in the Navy by receiving the 2019 Secretary of the Navy Environmental Award.

For plastics, the base has taken steps to reduce our single use plastics, as well as investing in more environmentally friendly utensils at its food services sites.  NEX and Commissary fall under a national leadership program.  Captain Slentz said, “I was not able to ‘force’ change on them, but we have started the conversation!”

BLUEWATER GRILL Is the Newest Emerald Green, Ocean Blue Restaurant


“The Bluewater Grill is such a nostalgic place and means so much to so many people. We have customers who have been coming to this building for 40 years. I am so happy the City decided to take care of this particular building and we are doing everything we can to take care of it. I am honestly humbled to care for this building. We have really tried to be more environmentally conscious. We don’t keep straws in the building. We just got paper bags and we don’t use Styrofoam for our to-go containers; they are recycled paper. If we have 20 people a night taking home to-go food and there is no plastic involved whatsoever, that is a win for us.” ~ Derik Morse, General Manager, Bluewater Grill

Feast & Fareway is Emerald Green, Ocean Blue!

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“Here at Feast and Fairway we like to be sustainable not only in our kitchen but also with all of our to-go ware and everything throughout our restaurants. From our cups being made of corn, to our paper straws, to our composting that we do in all of our kitchens not only here at Feast and Fairway but all the Rise and Shine Restaurants, we are proud to be sustainable. Situated on the Coronado Golf Course and seeing our lovely view reminds us how important keeping the environment clean is.” ~ Collin Ferreira, General Manager, Feast and Fairway