Captain Timothy Slentz spoke at the Winn Room this past Tuesday. Thank you for being an Emerald Keeper!
Captain Slentz, Commanding Officer of Naval Base Coronado, spoke at the Coronado Public Library on behalf of Emerald Keepers last Tuesday.. The big take-away from Captain Timothy Slentz’s presentation include: 1) Naval Base Coronado addresses sustainability every day on all eight of its bases under its command – from Imperial Beach to San Clemente to the desert. 2) The Navy cares for indigenous species unique to their locations – many of which are endangered and works with archeologists when adding new construction to care for culturally sensitive sites. 3) The Navy continues to improve energy through installation of solar and elimination of the outdated old steam heating system and addition of electric and hybrid vehicles. The extent to which the Navy has made changes to cut emissions of fossil fuel and reduce their carbon footprint are to be commended.
Naval Base Coronado partners with many Federal, state, local, and academic organizations to address environmental compliance, stewardship, and natural resources management in order to ensure continued access of its sea, air, and land spaces for training and mission accomplishment. NBC’s natural resources management program was recognized as the best in the Navy by receiving the 2019 Secretary of the Navy Environmental Award.
For plastics, the base has taken steps to reduce our single use plastics, as well as investing in more environmentally friendly utensils at its food services sites. NEX and Commissary fall under a national leadership program. Captain Slentz said, “I was not able to ‘force’ change on them, but we have started the conversation!”