Emerald Keepers invites community to An Evening of Aloha

Emerald Keepers is planning An Evening of Aloha, an ocean-inspired benefit around the message malama i ke kai, a Hawaiian phrase that means “care for ocean.” The Hawaiian-themed Earth Week celebration will be held on April 24 in the Nautilus Room.

The event, which will be Emerald Keepers’ first major fundraiser in three years, will include an art auction, highlighted by works from the renowned artist and environmentalist Robert Wyland and Coronado’s celebrated artist Tina Christiansen.

The evening will also include an Island-inspired buffet, hosted bar, and music by local artist Michael Gonzalez, who is known as Gonzo — plus some surprises. A special VIP reception will allow VIP guests to preview the artwork.

The benefit will raise much-needed funds to help Emerald Keepers continue to make an impact in Coronado.

For the past six years, Emerald Keepers has been championing the reduction of single-use plastics through education and activities, raising awareness in the city. This year, the City Council passed the strictest law in San Diego County to curb the use of single-use plastic and polystyrene food ware and utensils.

But there’s much more work to be done. Emerald Keepers’ work is more important than ever, and we will continue to be Coronado’s champion for the environment, educating, advocating, implementing, and celebrating sustainable practices to keep our community Emerald Green, Ocean Blue.

So join the fun, celebrate Earth Week and malama i ke kai. Native Hawaiians have a deep connection to the ocean. They believe it is their responsibility to take care of the ocean, and in turn the ocean will take care of them. We agree.

Tickets will go on sale the week of March 10. More details and ticket information are coming soon. For questions or sponsorship inquires, email info@emeraldkeepers.org.

Emerald Keepers is planning its first benefit in three years. The previous fundraiser, The Great Pacific Garbage Patch Splash & Art Auction, was held May 14, 2022, at the Coronado Yacht Club.