CoSA Dancers - Emerald Keepers of the Month

When the power of the arts is harnessed to drive environmental change, you see possibilities revealed and are inspired to act. The Conservatory of Classical and Contemporary Dance’s spring recital, MOBILIZE, was stunning and served to generate conversation and educate through art.

The dancers worked all semester creating the dances. Topics covered diverse but ecologically related issue including the gratitude for our sun to grow plants, marine life adapting to climate and pollution, ocean policy to shape change, climate refugees, birds, the importance of eliminating fossils fuels to avoid weather catastrophes, celebration of biodiversity, dangers of invasive species, healthy ecosystems, fashion consumption, sustainable agriculture, and the belief that we can and must make changes to protect our future in the face of climate change.

Under the direction of Gina Bolles Sorensen, each dance was beautifully choregraphed to selected musical pieces and Amanda Gorman’s “Earthrise” poem. Exquisite costumes amplified the themes and added to the visual experience. Most impressive was the athleticism of the dancers.  Communicating science through the art of dance was mesmerizing and beautiful.

One of Emerald Keepers’ goals is to educate the community about environmental issues. These 17 dancers took environmental education to new and novel levels. To show deepest community appreciation, the CoSA Dancers have been named as May’s Emerald Keepers of the Month. Thank you for your moving performances!