Single-use plastic reduction in Coronado

Keep Our Sea Plastic-Free

Anyone who has helped clean up a beach knows that most of trash found along the shore is plastic. Single-use plastics, once thought of as the height of convenience, are a major contributor to beach and ocean pollution and have profound negative effects on our environment and community.

One of the simplest and most effective ways local communities can reduce plastic pollution is by eliminating single-use plastics, including plastic polystyrene foam, commonly known as Styrofoam. That’s why eight San Diego County cities have already enacted plastic bans.

Coronado, whose beaches draw visitors from around the world and is surrounded by water, is the only regional coastal community from Oceanside to Imperial Beach without a single-use plastic ban. Emerald Keepers is recommending the City Council implement legislation to curb single-use plastics in Coronado through two proposed ordinances to protect our lifestyle, the tourism industry and sea life.

Underwater shot taken in San Diego Bay by the Surfrider Foundation.


According to data, only 9 percent of the 6.3 billion metric tons of plastic waste that has been produced is recycled. Unlike other waste, plastic never truly breaks down. Instead, it remains as litter or breaks down into smaller and smaller pieces known as nano- and microplastics. Takeout containers, straws, waters bottles and packaging are some of the items that are used once and discarded but remain on the planet forever.


Emerald Keepers is recommending ordinances that would prohibit sale and distribution of:

• Plastic foam food containers, coolers and packing materials • Single-use plastic straws, stirrers, and utensils
• Plastic beverage bottles under 2 liters
• Balloons

• Plastic bags


Please sign our online petition by clicking the link below and pass it on to local friends and family. Let’s encourage the Coronado City Council to enact ordinances to Keep Our Sea Plastic Free.